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Hartwell trip & a couple pics

Discussion in 'Talk, Talk (off topic)' started by braveheart, Apr 17, 2011.

  1. braveheart

    braveheart Well-Known Member

    Well, I pulled out of my driveway about 6 am Friday. Got to Tugaloo State park about 10am. Checked in, found my cabin and took my stuff inside. Made my way to the boat ramp. They have a brand new "Mega Ramp", which has 6 launch spots. Very nice ramp. The bad part is, you have to climb Mt Everest to get to the parking lot. Called Piddlin and Droopy and they told me where they were, which wasn't very far from the launch area. I got the boat in, parked the truck, and trodded the approx. 1/4 mile back down to the ramp. I found Piddlin and Droopy about 11 am. Talked to them a few minutes, then I headed off. Weather was nice and sunny, but a tad breezy. Fished a cove from front to back with plastics and a spinnerbait with no luck. Moved out on a windy point and started throwing a crankbait and caught my first ever spotted bass. Those suckers do put up a fight! Especially when they see the boat. Had a couple leap out of the water before landing them.Fished about 4 more hours. Wound up with 6 spots and what, I think, was a bowfin.
    It was between 2 1/2 to 3 ft long. I had 2/3 of it in the net twice and it finally got off. Friday night and early Saturday morning was when all the bad weather came through. Saturday morning, the weather was iffy. Decided that everybody would start when they wanted to. but everyone would quit at 5 pm. I think I was the last to go. I started fishing about 11:30. Windiest day I have ever spent on the water. Whitecaps everywhere. I ended up with 3 keepers that weighed just slightly over 4 lbs. I think I brought up the rear, but I was never so glad to get off the water. Wind was ferocious. Best part was last night around the campfire, shootin' the breeze.
    It was good to put faces with names. These are some great folks. I want to especially thank Black21xrd for bringing me my wallet this morning, which apparently had slipped out in the chair lsat night. The sad part was, I hadn't realized it was gone!
    All in all, it was a great trip ( except for the gas). Here are a few pics I took at the weigh-in.

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  2. Hunt22-250

    Hunt22-250 Scuba Steve

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    Buzzerbaits buzzerbaits

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    cd4th Shoot first, shoot again

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    Alan Proud Infidel

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