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Ferguson Violence

Discussion in 'Talk, Talk (off topic)' started by Wizard, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. Wizard

    Wizard Well-Known Member

    At the beginning of the violence, 2 cars were seen stopping behind buildings and setting fires. The cars left and weren't seen again. The potential looters saw the fires and started their thing. Everything appears to have escalated from that. Now, the demonstrations and looting appears to be from people who don't live in Ferguson. It seems to me that after the man was shot by police, some folks used the incident for their own purposes. I think people with a goal in mind wait for incidents to happen in the country and immediately visit the site and start their process going. A news source said several of these types of violence started the same way with someone setting fires and disappearing. The man's family wanted none of this to happen and people like Al Shaprton and politicians didn't listen. They came for the national exposure and not for the family and healing. By the way, many of the looters came from north St. Louis City to take advantage of the situation. I live at the other end of the county from Ferguson and didn't get caught up in this bs. I hope it doesn't happen in your area as it was a horrific event.
  2. bassin butch

    bassin butch Well-Known Member

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  3. cd4th

    cd4th Shoot first, shoot again

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    DIXIEDOG Prostaff for Taylor worms

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  5. Alan

    Alan Proud Infidel

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  6. Ranger482V

    Ranger482V Jackal

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  7. ACBass

    ACBass Well-Known Member

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  8. Alan

    Alan Proud Infidel

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  9. darkride

    darkride extolled

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