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Gun Fight

Discussion in 'Hunting Talk' started by Wizard, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Wizard

    Wizard Well-Known Member

    We have all talked on specific weapons, effective calibers, concealed carry since I've been on this site. A lot of CC people on here but few that have had the experience of being in one. Here are some things to think about.

    1) Fight or flight reflex immediately kicks in. Blood pressure, heart rate, galvanic muscle control are immediately affected. What you could do on the range declines rapidly in a fire fight.

    2) No one wishes to die. The instinct is to fire, cover your ass, and quickly leave the area. Applies to both good and bad guys. So, fire fights tend to be short and over quickly. You usually don't use a lot of ammo.

    3) The bad guys are trying to achieve something at a low cost to themselves. If the return isn't worth the risk, they leave quickly.

    4) What I fear most-----someone who is high on drugs. They lose that fear of dying, they can take a lot of pain and may keep coming when a normal person would have gone down, they will kill you for no reason. THAT is why I tend to carry my .45. Just in case of my worst case scenario.

    Recommendations I have for carrying a weapon. When at the range don't target shoot; self defense shoot. Learn to fire and hit center mass without using the sights. Practice until the weapon follows your eyes and then practice it some more. While you are are lining up the sights, I've already fired and killed you.
    Practice drawing the damn weapon. It does no good to carry if you can't draw the weapon in time or you fumble it out of ther holster. This is just as important as being able to shoot. Last thing--never, ever, let people know that you carry. Hide the bulge. Concealed carry is only good when it is truly concealed as surprise is a key element of the concept.

    Last thing--the bad guys sometimes get lucky and getting shot hurts like a summabiotch.
  2. Nebguy

    Nebguy Awesome Eric!!

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  3. SkidMark

    SkidMark Well-Known Member

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  4. ACBass

    ACBass Well-Known Member

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  5. Septugenarian

    Septugenarian Displaced Person

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  6. Nebguy

    Nebguy Awesome Eric!!

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  7. Hunt22-250

    Hunt22-250 Scuba Steve

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    SilverFox66 Well-Known Member

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  9. Nebguy

    Nebguy Awesome Eric!!

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    SilverFox66 Well-Known Member

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    SkidMark Well-Known Member

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