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I wonder how much of this type thing the President and DOE is watching?

Discussion in 'Talk, Talk (off topic)' started by n2ratfishin, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. n2ratfishin

    n2ratfishin Well-Known Member


    Filmed in 2006, the study that led to the film Waiting For Superman basically examined the same problem with the process of our expensive state ran education system. If Obama wants to run with China and Japan he needs to unleash American minds.

    Check out this math teacher


    The Norton Norris audit forced Congress to retract their statements against private for profit schools AFTER they passed all kinds of laws through negotiated rule making further choking these peer reviewed schools down.

    The dumbing down of America..for what...a vote. :head_on_wall::head_on_wall:

    P.S. Love some of the TED Talks. Some are out there but all are limited to 20 mins and some are chocked full of amazing info.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2012

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