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Neely Henrry bassmasters open tournament results sat 12/08/12

Discussion in 'Talk, Talk (off topic)' started by bamafishin, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. bamafishin

    bamafishin Well-Known Member

    fish are still biting good on logan martin this one was out of the bait shop

    Well the Neely Henry Bassmaster open club tournament was a great sucess saturday at Riverside landing. Even though it was suppose to be mostly cloudy and it rained most of the day. We still had 38 teams show up for the tournament and had some good sacks of fish also. 1st place had 19..28lbs 2nd 17.67lbs 3rd 16.30lbs 4th 15.46lbs 5th 15.30lbs 6th 14.77lbs 7th had 14.72lbs
    and the big fish was 6.12lbs they paid out seven spots and big fish and also had a no weight drawing.Every thing went smoothly and didn't hear anyone complain about any thing.
    i beleive it was run good and there talking about having another one maybe in January.
    Me and my partner got 3rd with 16.30lbs and also had big fish at 6.12lbs we had two really nice fish thye 6.12 and a 5lbder then went to hell just couyldnt get any thing to cull the three small ones sure wish we could of culled 1 or 2 of them oh well we did great and happy with what we got for sure
  2. ACBass

    ACBass Well-Known Member

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  3. Jazz

    Jazz Warsaw Warrior

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  4. hsb

    hsb Shore Whore Extraordinair

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  5. bamafishin

    bamafishin Well-Known Member

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  6. ACBass

    ACBass Well-Known Member

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  7. mworkman

    mworkman Well-Known Member

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