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Obama, Clinton Selling Out U.S. Sovereignty in Secret

Discussion in 'Talk, Talk (off topic)' started by BassVet, May 29, 2012.

  1. BassVet

    BassVet member of the year

    Obama, Clinton Selling Out U.S. Sovereignty in Secret
    Written on May 29, 2012 by V2A, Filed under
    Constitution, Government, National Security


    Is the Obama administration secretly negotiating treaties with globalist bodies, in violation of the Constitution? That’s the question on the minds of a number of political watchdogs, who argue that the White House is doing an end run around Congress and the American people in order to lock the country into agreements on the environment, fishing rights and even gun ownership with the United Nations (UN).

    On Feb. 7, former Bill Clinton campaign manager Dick Morris dissected a host of international “sneaky treaties” that, he says, “Once signed and ratified, have the same status as constitutional law and cannot be altered or eclipsed by Congress or state legislatures. And their provisions must be enforced by U.S. courts.”

    The most egregious of these would be U.S. membership in the International Criminal Court(ICC). This tribunal that has jurisdiction across the globe could prosecute elected U.S. leaders for entering into a war without UN approval. These “crimes of aggression”—even if approved by Congress under an official declaration of war—could still land the president or cabinet members in prison. The ICC’s reach supersedes the rulings of any U.S. court, thereby posing a serious threat to constitutionally-guaranteed trials by a jury of our peers.

    A lesser-known aspect of this treaty involves, ironically, the use of America’s military to wage aggressions against those deemed war criminals by the ICC.
  2. BassVet

    BassVet member of the year

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    Wizard Well-Known Member

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    BassVet member of the year

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    Wizard Well-Known Member

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    Alan Proud Infidel

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