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Went fishing yesterday..

Discussion in 'Talk, Talk (off topic)' started by Alan, May 3, 2012.

  1. Alan

    Alan Proud Infidel

    I don't how many know, but my youngest son (18 yo) is my best fishing buddy and has been for a long time. My eldest (27) likes to fish, but has a life now and doesn't get to go too much any more.

    My middle son (19) never really cared for fishing because he didn't have the patience. I had to find some way to bond with him, so years ago he decided he wanted to golf. I hate golf, but was willing to do it because he wanted it. We'd go to the driving range and hit a couple buckets of balls and he was cool with it.

    Any way, I told him I was going fishing yesterday to try and find some sacalait (crappie to you yankees). He mentioned that he wanted to go, so I was pretty fired up. We got out there (40% chance of rain) and launched the boat. Well, I did the launching and he held the rope. Fished for about 2 hrs and I had caught the only sac. Finally found a stretch that I caught 4 more and a monster bluegill when the thunder started. I'm not scared of the rain, but thunder and lightning scare the crap out of me. Got back to the truck and he was telling me how much fun he had and wants to do it again! So now it looks like I've got another fishing partner.:danceing:

    I've already told him, if he wants to fish, he's going to have to learn to help launch the boat. So I see boat backing lessons in his future.:head_on_wall:
  2. n2ratfishin

    n2ratfishin Well-Known Member

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  5. BassVet

    BassVet member of the year

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  6. Jazz

    Jazz Warsaw Warrior

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  7. Fishface1911

    Fishface1911 Master of Puppets.

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    eric goble Well-Known Member

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    Ranger482V Jackal

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