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Ohio River Hannibal Pool - Water level and safety question

Discussion in 'Fishing Talk' started by Harumph, Sep 11, 2018.

  1. Harumph

    Harumph Member

    Our club had a tournament scheduled for last weekend on the Hannibal pool that was postponed due to the storms that were hitting the area.

    Hannibal Pool is near Wheeling, WV and we are launching down in Moundsville, WV

    The river level at the lock:
    Last weekend 11.86 feet
    Cresting today or tomorrow 35.5 feet
    This weekend levels will be at 17.5 feet

    Just wondering if anyone out there has experience on the river that can speak to what this looks like from a water quality and safety perspective. It is a long drive for out club and I don't want to head over there to find water like 4 day old coffee or worse put our members in danger.

    Any insight would be great.

    One of the guys in our club has a contact over there to get eyes on the river but I wanted to see if I could get someone's thoughts here that may know more about the Ohio River.

    Thanks in advance for any information you can provide.

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